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Bread Machine Pita Bread
adapted from the Happy Housewife
3 1/2 cups flour (I use about 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 unbleached white)
1 1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 Tbsp honey*
2 tsp yeast
1 1/4 cups water
2 Tbsp olive oil**
Add the ingredients to the bread machine according to instructions - mine is liquids first, then flour, then yeast.
When dough is finished, plop onto a floured surface and divide into 8-12 pieces. When I did 8 they were very soft and awesome, and when I made 12, they were still soft and awesome.
Roll into balls and let rest under a damp towel for 20 minutes.
Place the pitas on the baking sheet or stone and bake for 3-5 minutes, depending on your oven.
Mine have puffed up both times I made them, but I haven't gotten a fully functional pita pocket yet, so I have just used the pita as a pull-apart flat bread for hummus***, which is my favorite way to eat it.
*Please buy local honey - the more commercially produced your honey is, the more likely it is to not actually be honey. Also, honey that you get from a local farmer supports a system of agriculture that sustains life - Bee Colony Collapse Disorder is caused by pesticides from industrial farming, so please make sure your honey comes from a local farm - the bees and the future human race will thank you for their continued existence. Our fates are linked - without bees, we wouldn't have much to eat.
Also, honey is awesome. I learned from Carl Sagan in Cosmos that honey never spoils. People have found honey in 2,000 year old tombs and eaten it.
**Yes, it has to be olive oil, no you may NOT use any other kind of oil. :)
***Mmm...hummus! Here are my recipes for flavored hummus - Roasted Red Pepper, and Spicy Spinach.
Update: April 11, 2012 - Frozen Pita Dough
When I made the pita for this post, I froze half of the dough balls after shaping. Two days later, I took them out, and thawed them on the counter (forgot to time it, but it seemed like it took about 40 minutes). When they felt not-frozen anymore I rolled them out and baked as usual. They weren't as awesome as the fresh batch, but more than edible, especially with hummus! From now on, I will probably make a double batch of pita dough and freeze so I can have fresh pita's quickly and easily whenever I need them.
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